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  2. Import Eventbrite Events
  3. Eventbrite Events at front end

Eventbrite Events at front end

If you want to display all Eventbrite events at the front end side. for that you want to copy [eventbrite_events posts_per_page=”9″ category=”cat1,cat2″]  this short-code in one page .


posts_per_page : number of events you want to display on one page.

Now, you can see  Eventbrite events on page.if you write posts_per_page=”9″ it will display 9 events on one page if you want to change it you can change it also.

Category : If you put a category slug (Note:If category and its slug different then put category slug) in short-code so it will display events based on category.you can put also multiple categories in short-code.



New Gird Layout

New Layout: If you want to display all Eventbrite events with a new layout on the front end side. For that, you can copy-paste [eventbrite_events layout=”style2″ ] this shortcode on a page.

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