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  3. Events at front end

Events at front end

If you want to display all Events at front end side. For that you have  to copy [wp_events col=”2″ posts_per_page=”12″ category=”cat1,cat2″ past_events=”yes” order=”desc” orderby=”post_title” start_date=”2017-12-25″ end_date=”2018-12-25″ ]   this shortcode in one page .

Now, you can see   Events on page.if you write posts_per_page=”12″ it will display 12 events on one page if you want to change it you can change it also.

posts_per_page: number of events you want to display on one page.

Where : col: how many column layouts you want. here you select col=2 so it will display 2 events for each row.

posts_per_page: Number of events you want to display on one page.so here you write posts_per_page=6 so it will display 6 events on one page.

past_events=”yes”: If you want to display past event then put past_events=”yes” in your short-code. This is optional.

order=”desc”: If you want to display events as descending order then put order=”desc” in your short-code and display events ascending then put order =”asc” in your short-code.

orderby=”post_title” : If you  want to display event ordering by post_title then put in short-code orderby=”post_title” according to your order=”asc/desc” or if you want to display events order by event date then put  orderby=”start_date”  in short-code.

category: If you want to display events based on a category then put category over here like category =”cat1“. you can also put multiple categories like category=”cat1,cat2″ in your short-code.

Note: Make sure the starting and ending quote(“) are the same in short-code attribute.

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