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  3. Facebook Import
  4. Scheduled Imports

Scheduled Imports

Facebook scheduled import can be located on the WP Event ‘Aggregator > Import’ screen by clicking on the Scheduled Imports tab. This tab will only be displayed if you have scheduled imports and will otherwise be hidden.

Each scheduled import is listed and shows the time of the most recent import instance as well as the number of events imported and updated in that instance. The all-time number tells you the total number of events imported via that scheduled import since it was made. Scheduled imports are listed chronologically by the most recent import instance.

Editing a scheduled import

Let’s say you have created a scheduled import, but would like to change some of the criteria you had previously selected for it. However, the import and it will reveal additional actions. Select the option to Edit.

Clicking that option will reveal all the available settings to edit including :

Import name: The source you are importing from.

Import frequency: How often the import runs.

Import into: You can also change import into an option to where you import to WP Event Aggregator to something else like an Event manager, Event On.

Event Category for Event Import: Which existing event category should be applied to the events when imported

Status: The status assigned to imported date (e.g. Published, Draft)

For example, if you had originally scheduled your import to run each month, you could later use the Edit option to change the frequency to something else, say weekly.

Manually Import a Scheduled Import

Scheduled imports run automatically behind the scenes, but you can also have a scheduled import run at any time you wish by clicking the ‘Import Now’ button.

When you click the ‘Import Now’ button the import will automatically queue up to run as soon as possible.

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