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  2. Facebook Events (XT Widget for Social Events)
  3. Plugin installation

Plugin installation


This plugin can be installed directly from your site.

Step 1:

Log in and navigate to Plugins & Add New.

Step 2:

Type “Facebook Events” into the Search input and click the “Search” button.

Step 3:

Locate the “Facebook Events” in the list of search results and click “Install Now”.

Step 4:

Click the “Activate Plugin” link at the bottom of the install screen.

It can also be installed manually.


Remove basic version of this plugin if you have installed.

Step 2:

Download the “XT Widget for Social Events” plugin from xylusinfo.com.

Step 3:

Unzip the package and move to your plugins directory.

Step 4:

Log into WordPress and navigate to the “Plugins” screen.

Step 5:

Locate “Facebook Events” in the list and click the “Activate” link.

You’re done with that? Great! Let’s get started.

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