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WooCommerce Orders

The WooCommerce Order Deletion Plugin allows administrators to delete WooCommerce orders based on various filters such as order status, date, total amount, and payment method. It also provides scheduling options for automated order deletions.

WooCommerce Order Status

WooCommerce Order Status :- Select specific WooCommerce order statuses to delete orders based on their current state. You can delete orders with statuses such as:

Processing, Completed, Pending, Failed, Canceled, Refunded, On hold, Draft, Trash… etc…

Order Date Filter

Order Date:- You can delete a order using the many options in the delete orders date.

=> older than: You can delete orders that are older than your selected days.

=> Posted within last: You can delete orders that are created within the last of your selected days.

=> 1 Month: You can delete orders that are created within the last 1 month.

=> 2 Months: You can delete orders that are created within the last 2 months.

=> 1 Year: You can delete orders that are created within the last 1 year.

=> 2 Years: You can delete orders that are created within the last 2 years.

=> Created between If you want to delete a order between the start date and the end date. Then this option will be helpful for you.

Order Total Filter

==> Equal – Delete orders with an exact total value.

==> Less than – Delete orders with a total less than the specified amount.

==> Greater than – Delete orders with a total greater than the specified amount.

==> Less than and equal to – Delete orders with a total less than or equal to the specified amount.

==> Greater than and equal to – Delete orders with a total greater than or equal to the specified amount.

==> Order total between custom range – Specify a custom range for deletion.

Order Payment Method Filter

Order Payment Method:- Choose specific payment methods for order deletion. Orders using the selected payment method(s) will be deleted.


Limit:- Set the limit over orders delete. It will delete only the first limit orders. For example, if you write a limit of 2 you delete a maximum of 2 orders.

Post Delete Type:-

  • Move to Trash => Orders will be moved to the trash.
  • Delete Permanently => Orders will be permanently deleted.

Detele Time:- WP Bulk Delete Pro provides functionality to schedule deleting at a particular time. and You can choose the scheduled at option at Delete Time to schedule delete. it has 2 options.

  • Delete now => It will start the delete operation just after you press the delete button.
  • Schedule Delete => If you want to run the delete operation later at a particular time. You can also repeat delete operations Once Hourly, Once a Month, once weekly, Twice Daily, Once Daily. You can see repetitive scheduled deletes at the WP Bulk Delete > Schedule Delete page

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