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  2. WP Bulk Delete
  3. Delete all WordPress Users
  4. Delete with a Plugin

Delete with a Plugin

If you’d like to use a plugin to do this work, then the WP Bulk Delete Plugin should do the trick for you.

  • First, go to your Post section in the Admin area of your backend.

The Bulk Delete plugin lets you choose to Delete Users based on a number of different options.

You can delete users by user roles but you can’t delete the administrator.

1) User Meta: you can delete users by user meta key.
Assign deleted user’s data to select a user to whom you want to assign deleted user’s data.
User Registration date:-you can delete the user as start to end the registration date.

2) User Email: You can delete multiple users by separating the email addresses with commas.


3) Limit: set limit over users delete. It will delete only the first limited users.


4) User Who Has No Order: it will help you if you want to delete a user( only customer ) who has one order in WooCommerce.


5) Detele Time: WP Bulk delete Pro provides functionality to scheduled delete at a particular time. and You can choose the scheduled at option at Delete Time to scheduled delete. it has 2 options.

Delete now => It will start delete operation just after you press the delete button.

Schedule Delete => If you want to run delete operation later at particular time. You can also repeat delete operation Once Hourly, Once Month, Once-Weekly, Twice Daily, Once Daily. You can see repitative scheduled deletes at WP Bulk Delete>Schedule Delete page


You can find detailed documentation Here about the schedule Delete.

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